Charity No. 1130232
020 8804 3561

Our Volunteer Team

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Our Volunteer Team

We are a volunteer-led charity registered in the UK (1130232), working to improve the lives of orphans, ordinary men and women in Afghanistan.

Wheelchair Appeal

At least 10 million people are thought to have fled the region to avoid the continuous wave of conflict that has troubled Afghanistan over the last 30 years i.e. the Afghan Cold War, the Afghan civil war, and the war between NATO and the Taliban.

Although many refugees have now returned, at least 2.7 million people remain in voluntary exile because of the appalling conditions at home.

Life in Afghanistan is brutal.

  • One in five Afghan children dies before his or her fifth birthday
  • The average life expectancy of an Afghan adult is below 50
  • More than two thirds of Afghans over the age of 15 cannot read or write
  • War and drought have left half of the rural population close to famine
  • Most Afghans lack access to safe drinking water or sanitary facilities
  • Rising inflation is crippling the poorest and most vulnerable people in the region
  • Disease, malnutrition and poverty is widespread in towns and villages

Charity volunteers at Aryana Aid are drawn from a diverse range of backgrounds including IT, the law, media and business.

We work with the local Afghan community to deliver emergency aid and long term sustainability through our orphan sponsorship, widow skills training, and water and electricity projects.

Since launching in 2009, we’ve used 100% of the donations collected by our head office in London to fund the initiatives led by volunteers, at our satellite office in Kabul.

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Annual Report

We are pleased to submit last year’s Annual Report, which shows our most valued achievements only possible thanks to your donations. We hope this assures our donors about our commitment to our causes. Review the report by clicking the image below. Thank You!

Rebuilding Lives & Communities

Annual Report 2022

Meet Syed:

‘I made a personal donation to a blind man when I visited a village in Afghanistan a few years ago’, explains Syed, a computer scientist and a volunteer with the charity.

‘When I returned to the village a few years later, I was approached by the same man who told me that he’d used my gift to pay for an operation to help restore his eyesight. It took me a while to remember who he was as I’d forgotten about my first visit to the village and also about my donation, but I was touched by the obvious difference a small act of kindness had made to his life.’

‘I was also taken back by the love and affection he and his family showed me. This experience was an important turning point for me. I started volunteering with Aryana Aid because I wanted to work with like-minded people who were keen to create more stories like this’. 

Meet Said Mosavi:

‘I lost my daughter in the war’, explains Mosavi, a professional photographer, film maker and a volunteer with the charity.

‘I’ve travelled the length and breadth of Afghanistan in my professional capacity and heard the same desperate stories in every town and village. Heartbreak, loss, hunger and fear have damaged an entire generation.’

‘I joined Aryana Aid as a volunteer in memory of my child. 

‘We know thousands of innocent children were killed and hundreds seriously injured between 2010 and 2018 as a result of the continuing violence. Part of my role as a charity volunteer involves raising awareness about the dangers of improvised explosive devices (IEDs), crossfire, unexploded artillery shells, grenades, mortars, rockets, air bombs and drones among ordinary Afghan families’.

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