Charity No. 1130232
020 8804 3561

Wheelchair Appeal

280,000 Afghan children are estimated to have a disability. Just £40 can improve their quality of life.

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Disability and Poverty

280,000 Afghan children are estimated to have a disability nowadays. You can help by donating as little as £40 – not just for a wheelchair, but for a destiny change.

Wheelchair Appeal

Four decades of war in Afghanistan have taken their toll on orphans.

In many cases, the war did not only take these children’s families. It also took their mobility, security, and hope for the future. Without access to wheelchairs and other mobility equipment, many are trapped in their beds, wondering what playing outside feels like.

Others are looking inside; since they don’t have a home, they find “refuge” on busy streets, where their only way to survive is to beg or engage in menial jobs that are not fit for a child.

Education Opportunities for the Disabled

During three and a half decades of war, education in Afghanistan became seriously threatened.

Hundreds of schools were closed and had their basic infrastructure destroyed during the harsh ultra-religious rule, which left children with little options for education.

Did you know?

  • Today, only 1/3 of the 150,000 disabled children of Afghanistan go to school.
  • The 50,000 who do manage to go to school are often subject to segregated specialist facilities that are under-resourced and inadequate.
  • Many disabled children eventually drop out; they are some of the most forgotten victims of Afghanistan.

We know this needs to change! And, our Wheelchair Appeal is one way to ensure that thousands of children never suffer this isolation again. You might not be able to fully comprehend the struggles of a disabled person, but for a generous donation of just £120, you can certainly help to restore their smile.

Why Help a Disabled Orphan?

Supporting orphans is one of the best ways to please our Prophet (pbuh). And, through Aryana Aid, you can find your way to his heart by helping an Afghan child regain their mobility. This, in turn, helps them:

  • Recover their sense of play and security.
  • Go back to school, where they can learn new life skills and become more independent.
  • Develop like any other normal child.

Our Approach

Aryana Aid have already distributed hundreds of wheelchairs to poor Afghan children.

We are starting a transformation for disabled orphans that they could never have dreamed of; opening doors to education and opportunities in their own communities to secure their futures, but we still have thousands of children who desperately need our help.

We are appealing to you to help us achieve this utmost noble endeavour. Our dream is to be able to provide every disabled child, man and woman in Afghanistan with wheelchairs, so that they can restore their war-torn lives.

We ask you to help us by sending your generous donation of £120 as soon as possible, so that we can distribute vital wheelchairs to those who live in desperate conditions.

Say yes to Humanity

Annual Report

We are pleased to submit our 2023 Annual Report, which shows the amazing projects and achievements made possible by your donations. We hope this reassures our donors of our commitment to our causes and projects. To review the report, click on the image below. Thank You!

Rebuilding Lives & Communities

Annual Report 2023

Make a donation

You can make your donation through our website, bank transfer or send a cheque to our office (cheques should be payable to Aryana Aid). We thank you for your interest and support, please spread the word.

The Impact of Your Donations

Last year, your generous donations helped us raise £48,000 for our Wheelchair Project and save the lives of 950 disabled children. Thank you!

You might not be able to fully comprehend how a disabled person feels. But we hope gaining some perspective on the difficulties they face every day in one of the poorest countries in the world will inspire you to take action. Read more. (link to blog on disability)

Who We Are

Aryana Aid is a trusted Muslim charity registered in the UK, aiming to uplift the lives of orphans, widows and all needy individuals across Afghanistan and Pakistan.

A small donation is all it takes to create a big change. With only £120, you can gift a child a brand-new wheelchair, and, with £40, help us refurbish second-hand wheelchairs which we then distribute among the most vulnerable children in Afghanistan.

Check Out Our Other Projects

Aryana Aid has a multitude of projects that you can contribute to. From our Water ProjectEmergency Shelter and Food Packages, to long-term projects such as Orphan Sponsorship and Widow Skills Training Programmes.

Help us support the victims of an ongoing war today.

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